Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Introduction to Electronics

     Well here is the very first post of the blog, where I'll just give some introduction to the world of electronics. Electronics has become an inseparable part of our life.
     If we observe the word  "Electronics" properly, we can separate it into two different words electron and mechanics. As we know an electron is a sub atomic particle with negative(-) charge, and mechanics is what we generalize here as working of any system or an individual subject. So, we can say that Electronics is basically electron mechanics. Well this is just understanding the word Electronics.
      Electronics can be divided in two parts, viz. digital electronics and analog electronics. Analog electronics is generally related to communication systems, amplifiers, power supplies,and system related to signals which vary continuously with respect to time(analog signals). On other hand digital electronics deals with studies of computing electronics with use of only two electric levels, high(binary 1) and low(binary 0). Today combination of analog and digital electronics is no rare sighting.
Electronic Components
     The future posts will be about designing circuits, projects, and side by side I'll also be posting few mathematics related to electronics. Before we head to that part, I'll be introducing some basics for practically starting with electronics, then may be you're a student or you're doing it just for hobby or anything you wish to do.
      In next few post I'll be introducing basic tools, components, laws and configurations to get started with electronics. I hope this first post didn't bored you. Any suggestions and if mistakes found are really appreciated in comments.

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